December 29, 2018 Jazz Blackwell 0 Comments

There are two possible reasons you've clicked through to this page.

1: You're a reader of my blog and are curious to find out a little bit more about what kind of ungodly beast could be so cruel and unusual to inflict such a thing upon the poor, unsuspecting internet.

2: You're hopelessly lost, and growing more afraid by the minute.

Whichever one applies to you, I offer you my salutations and welcome you here to my blog.

My name's Jazz. I'm a 21 year old second year student of English Literature and History at the University of Strathclyde. (Yes, it is a lot of writing. Yes, I do cry myself to sleep at night). I was born and bred way out in middle-of-nowhere West Cumbria, England and am currently based in the city of Glasgow, Scotland. Here's the face behind the blog, if ever you find yourself curious;

This blog was created because, as with any other vaguely narcissistic millennial with access to the internet, I have an underlying desire to put my thoughts and feelings out into the world and expect that people will read them. I'm not the best at time keeping, so do forgive me if my posts come at frustratingly irregular intervals.

I'm a bookworm, with a strong interest in alternative fashion and beauty, with a particular fondness for lipstick in outlandish colours and shoes that might double as murder weapons. I'm also a fan of horror movies and various forms of rock music, and intend to discuss those too.

That's about all there is to say about me. I hope you decide to stay.

If you do;
Keep it weird.

Jazz xo